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Why Your Baby Should Be Eating Fermented Foods
Carley Mendes Carley Mendes

Why Your Baby Should Be Eating Fermented Foods

Offering children a variety of foods helps to broaden their palates, but "sour" is an important flavour that isn't usually given to little ones in western cultures. Traditionally fermented foods are a wonderful way to introduce sour flavours. Many children consume highly processed foods that are overwhelmingly sweet and salty. Giving fermented foods to children from an early age can actually lessen their desire to over consume sweet foods.

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Baby's First Finger Foods: Size, Shape, Texture & Flavor
Carley Mendes Carley Mendes

Baby's First Finger Foods: Size, Shape, Texture & Flavor

When babies begin eating finger foods, stick or finger shaped foods are great for them to practice with. This allows your baby to firmly hold the food in the palm of their hand and bite off little pieces (with or without teeth). If using baby-led weaning, the stick shape is fantastic for babies who have not yet developed their pincer grasp. Stick shape is still recommended even if your baby was fed purees first and their pincer grasp has already developed by the time they begin finger foods. It helps them to bite, chew, and learn how much food they can safely manage in their mouths.

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Garlic Cumin Yam Fries - Great For Baby
Carley Mendes Carley Mendes

Garlic Cumin Yam Fries - Great For Baby

This is a great recipe for the whole family. Baby food doesn't have to be bland! After you've introduced your little one to simple and unseasoned foods, you can try adding different herbs and spices to broaden their palate and encourage them to be more adventurous eaters. This recipe for yam fries is a great example of this because it includes garlic & cumin.

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Build Healthy Habits For Babies & Avoid Picky Toddlers
Carley Mendes Carley Mendes

Build Healthy Habits For Babies & Avoid Picky Toddlers

We all possess intrinsic wisdom of how to best nourish ourselves. Although most adults have become extremely disconnected from their body’s own signals and have lost touch with when to eat and how much food they truly need. This disconnect from hunger/satiation cues can start very early in life if babies are introduced to solid foods with someone else dictating how much they should be eating. When given the opportunity and presented with healthy options, babies know how much to eat and which foods they need to properly nourish themselves.

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Naturally Relieving Constipation in Babies
Carley Mendes Carley Mendes

Naturally Relieving Constipation in Babies

Before babies begin on solid foods, their elimination patterns can vary greatly. Some breastfed babies will have 5 bowel movements a day, while other healthy babies only have one every 5 days. Infrequent bowel movements in a breasted baby isn’t a cause for concern, as long as they have sufficient wet diapers, continue to gain weight well, seem content and comfortable, and their stool isn’t hard and dry.

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Egg Yolks For Babies
Carley Mendes Carley Mendes

Egg Yolks For Babies

While I believe in eating whole foods, I prefer to feed younger babies egg yolks only. Their stomachs are small, so whatever food they eat should be as nutrient-dense as possible. Egg white omelets were the rage for a while, but the truth is: nutritionally speaking, egg yolks trump whites. The whites have mostly protein, sodium, and potassium, but the yolk is where the most beneficial nutrients are found. They are stocked with B vitamins, healthy fats, choline, and the harder to obtain fat-soluble vitamins A & D. Also, allergies and sensitivities to the proteins found in egg white are much more common.

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